Sunday, April 28, 2013

Week 2 - Post 2

I just finished reading the online article "Build your startup without building code" that I was looking forward to this week.  In a word, I am disappointed

After reading the title of the article I was excited at the prospect of what it would contain.  I could only imagine what I would glean.  That the content would really show me how to startup a website without needing to know how to code.  How tremendous! 

I work in a software development environment and I know how difficult any coding can be, let alone web design and implementation for a startup company.  But then I read the article...

In short, it mentioned some basic concepts over the course of a few sentences and proceeded to plug the names of various web entities for the remainder.  Foolish me -- I expected the article to actually describe what tools would accomplish what facets with perhaps an example of the particular usage, as well as an anecdote or two about another company that was successful in using the technology.  Especially the piece about raising money.  The author makes it sound as if AngelList and Kickstarter are just giving away money to anyone who solicits it.  I highly doubt that....but thanks for another plug.

Summarily, in no way did this article help me inch any closer to starting my own business.  But hey, at least I was able to discover CrowdSpring.  That was pretty cool.

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